Can dogs eat baked beans?


Find out if this breakfast staple can be harmful to your dog and whether any other types of beans are good for them

Can dogs eat baked beans?

Quick takeaways about baked beans for dogs

  • Canned baked beans aren’t good for dogs and can cause stomach upsets.
  • High levels of salt and sugar make them unsuitable for canine consumption.
  • Plain green beans make a healthier, occasional treat.


Giving your pooch a little taste of what’s on your plate can be tempting and may be harmless from time to time – depending on what’s on the menu.

But baked beans definitely aren’t a good choice. Here’s why.


Why are baked beans bad for dogs?

If you’re a fan of the Great British fry-up on a Sunday morning, you’ll probably have noticed your dog looking at you longingly.

Unfortunately, baked beans, especially tinned beans in tomato sauce, should never be on the menu for our beloved pooches. Here’s why:


Too much sugar

A standard 415g tin of beans contains around 18g of sugar, which can cause dental decay, obesity, and diabetes.


Too much salt

That same 415g tin contains about 2.5g of salt. High salt levels in dogs are just as unhealthy as in humans.


Other ingredients

If you think you’re playing it safe by buying the ‘posh’ beans, they could be even worse. They may contain other ingredients such as garlic and onion, which are toxic to dogs.



Canned food usually contains some form of preservative, which may be natural or artificial, so it’s difficult to know exactly what you’re feeding and what the effect could be.


What should I do if my dog has eaten baked beans?

A tablespoon or so of baked beans as a one-off is unlikely to do much harm. If you’re concerned or your pet shows any signs of stomach trouble, speak to your vet for advice.


Which beans are safe for dogs?

While some beans are fine for doggy dinner, your dog doesn’t need them in their diet. You’re far better off feeding a complete and balanced option, like our personalised raw meal plans.

Plain green beans can make a healthy, high-fibre snack that’s also low in calories. Some dried legumes like chickpeas, lima, black or pinto beans are also fine in small quantities.


What other beans are unsafe for dogs?

Other beans on the banned list include raw kidney beans as these are toxic to dogs. Also avoid any other type of canned beans, due to the high salt levels.

Never be tempted to offer coffee beans as a treat, as these are toxic.


What other foods are dangerous for dogs?

There are lots of other kitchen-basic ingredients that won’t do your dog any good. Among the most common are chocolate, which contains toxic compounds, and grapes and raisins.

Avocados and members of the allium family, including garlic and onion, are other offenders. Find out more about the symptoms of food poisoning and other toxic foods here.

Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients to help keep your dog healthy and happy.