Can dogs eat bread?


Find out whether bread is safe for your dog to eat – the pros, cons and safe varieties

Can dogs eat cucumber?

Quick takeaways about dogs and bread

  • Small amounts of plain white or brown bread are okay for dogs.
  • Avoid bread with harmful additives like garlic, raisins, or xylitol.
  • Gradually introduce any new food, including bread, to watch for allergic reactions.


Bread is a staple in many diets, but is it safe for dogs? Yes, dogs can eat bread occasionally – but it’s not the most nutritious treat and should only be a small part of a healthy, well-balanced diet.

Plain white or whole wheat bread is generally safe for dogs as an occasional snack. However, it’s essential to make sure the bread is free from harmful additives.


Is bread bad for dogs?

While bread isn’t toxic, it doesn’t offer much nutritional value to dogs and is mostly just empty calories. Too much can lead to weight gain and related health issues.


What kind of bread can dogs eat?

A bit of bread won’t harm your dog as long as it's plain.


White and whole wheat bread

Plain versions of these are usually fine.


Sourdough bread

This is also safe in moderation. Just make sure it doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients.


Bread and cheese

Cheese is safe in small amounts for dogs that aren't lactose intolerant, but keep it minimal.



Plain toast is safe but avoid butter and jams.


Bread varieties to avoid

Seeded bread

Steer clear of this, as some seeds can be harmful to dogs.


Gluten-free bread

Check the ingredients first, as some can contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.


Garlic bread

Avoid feeding your dog garlic bread, as garlic (alongside onions and leeks) is toxic to dogs.


Raisin bread

Raisins are highly toxic to dogs and can lead to kidney failure.


Banana bread:

This type of bread is often high in sugar and can sometimes contain nutmeg, which is harmful to dogs. So, avoid it at all costs!


Brioche and bread with butter

Both contain high levels of fat, which isn’t good for dogs.


Rye and pita bread

Rye and pita can sometimes contain seeds and additives that aren’t great for your dog’s tummy.



Avoid these if they’re seasoned or covered in garlic or onion powder.


What to do if your dog eats harmful bread

Contact your vet immediately if your dog accidentally eats bread with toxic ingredients like raisins, garlic, or xylitol.

Symptoms to watch for include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or changes in appetite.


How much bread can dogs eat?

Moderation is key. Bread shouldn’t make up a significant portion of your dog's diet. A few small bites as an occasional treat are generally safe, but avoid making bread a regular snack.


Dogs and bread FAQS

Can dogs eat bread crusts?

Yes, if it's from plain bread without harmful toppings.


Can dogs eat bread and butter?

It’s best to avoid this combo as butter is very high in fat, which can harm your dog in the long term.


Can dogs eat wraps?

Plain wraps are fine, but many have seasoning and additives that can be harmful.


What are the risks of feeding too much bread?

Your dog might be allergic to bread. Too much could also lead to weight gain and digestive issues – especially if the bread contains harmful ingredients.

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