Can dogs eat carrots?


Find out whether dogs can safely eat carrots and whether there are any benefits

Can dogs eat carrots?

Quick takeaways about dogs and carrots

  • Yes, dogs can safely eat carrots – raw or cooked.
  • Carrots are a healthy, low-calorie treat rich in vitamins and fibre.
  • Moderation is key, as with any treat, to maintain a balanced diet for your pup.


Carrots are a healthy snack for your dog. They’re a super versatile vegetable, and the same goes for your pooch; plus they have some tasty vitamins and nutrients, too.

Can dogs eat carrots?

Absolutely! Carrots are on the list of healthy fruit and veg for dogs and are a great. They offer a crunchy treat and are packed with nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamins, and fibre.

Plus, they’re great for dental health, helping to keep their teeth clean.


Raw vs cooked carrots – which is better?

Dogs can eat both. Raw carrots are an excellent crunchy treat, just make sure to chop them into bite-size chunks to avoid a choking hazard.

Cooked carrots are soft and easier to digest, so plain, cooked carrots without any seasoning or oil are great for puppies or senior dogs.


Can dogs eat peas and carrots?

Yes, dogs can enjoy peas and carrots together. Both are safe and healthy for dogs, making them a colourful addition to their diet. Feed peas only in moderation, especially for dogs prone to kidney issues.


How often can dogs eat carrots?

While carrots are healthy, they should complement a balanced diet. A few carrot pieces a day as a treat is plenty. You might also find carrots are a stable vegetable in some raw and fresh dog foods.


How much carrot can dogs eat?

This depends on your dog’s size and overall diet. Generally, treats should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.

For a small dog, a few small slices are enough. Larger dogs could have a whole carrot now and again.

Always start with small amounts to ensure your dog digests them well. Watch for any signs of choking or digestive upset, especially with whole or large pieces.


Can dogs eat carrots every day?

Yes, dogs can eat carrots every day, in moderation. They’re a healthy, low-calorie snack option.


Are there any risks with carrots?

If your dog has diarrhea, it’s best to consult your vet. While carrots are high in fibre, they might not be suitable for all digestive issues.

Carrots also contain sugar, so they should be given in moderation to diabetic dogs – if in doubt speak to your vet about feeding them.


Frozen, canned, and carrot tops: what’s safe?

  • Frozen carrots – great as a cold treat, especially in hot weather. Just make sure they’re not too hard for your dog’s teeth.
  • Canned carrots – okay if they’re canned in water without added salts or seasonings. However, fresh is always best.
  • Carrot tops – the green tops are safe in small amounts but aren’t as nutritious as the carrot itself.

Can dogs eat roasted carrots, purple carrots or carrots with the skin on?

  • Roasted carrots – as long as they aren’t cooked in harmful seasoning.
  • Whole carrots – it’s best to cut them up into bite-sized pieces.
  • With the skin on – the skin is safe and contains extra nutrients. Just wash them well.
  • Purple carrots – they’re just as nutritious and safe as their orange counterparts.

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