Can dogs eat honey?


Find out whether you can add honey to your dog’s diet, including the benefits and feeding tips

Can dogs eat honey?

Quick takeaways about dogs and honey

  • Yes, dogs can have honey in moderation.
  • Honey offers health benefits but should be given carefully due to its high sugar content.
  • Puppies under 12 months should avoid honey due to the risk of harmful bacteria.


Honey is nature's liquid gold and has many health benefits for humans – it contains plenty of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties.

But, when it comes to sharing this treat with your pooch, many pet owners are unsure. Let's explore the answers to this sweet question.


Can dogs have honey?

In short, yes, dogs can have honey, but due to its high sugar and calorie content, make sure you only feed it in moderation.

Though research is limited, some studies have shown that feeding a small amount of honey could help with allergies. This might be because it introduces small amounts of pollen to your dog's system, potentially building immunity over time.


What are the benefits of honey for dogs?

Honey isn't just a sweet treat; it's packed with nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, plus minerals like calcium and potassium.

It's also known for its antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.


What kind of honey can dogs eat?

Raw, unprocessed honey is best. Processed honey might lose beneficial nutrients during heating and can contain added sugars or syrups.

Before feeding to your dog – and potentially yourself! – make sure the honey is pure and free from additives.


Can dogs eat manuka honey?

Manuka honey is renowned for its antibacterial properties, making it a top choice for dogs, especially for wound care or to soothe sore throats.

However, it’s best to use it sparingly or save for specific health benefits rather than a daily treat – it has a high potency and price tag to match.


How much honey can you feed dogs?

Moderation is crucial when feeding honey to dogs. For small dogs, a quarter teaspoon per day is okay, while larger dogs can have up to a full teaspoon.

Always consider your dog’s size and overall diet before adding honey to their routine.


How to feed honey to your dog

You could start by mixing a small amount of honey with their regular food or offering it as a lickable treat.

When introducing any new food, it’s important to watch for any adverse reactions, such as allergies or digestive issues.


Is honey safe for all dogs?

Actually no. Puppies, especially those under 12 months, should avoid honey due to the risk of botulism spores. These spores can grow into a harmful bacteria. They’re harmless to older dogs because the body develop defenses against them.

Additionally, dogs with diabetes or overweight dogs should steer clear due to honey's high sugar content.


What happens if you feed too much honey?

Overfeeding this sweet treat can lead to weight gain and cause dental issues. Its high sugar content can also exacerbate conditions like diabetes.

So, just make sure that honey is a minor part of your dog's diet.


Can dogs eat porridge with honey?

We can definitely think of better treats, like our meaty superfood bites or our raw bones and chunks.

Dogs can eat porridge with honey every now and again, but the porridge should be plain and cooked in water, not milk, as some dogs might be lactose intolerant. Remember, the honey should be a light drizzle, not a heavy pour.

Also, if your dog has a complete and balanced raw diet, they won’t need any extra treats and feeding human food is rarely a good idea in the long-term.


Alternatives to honey for dogs

You could try feeding safe and healthy fruits and vegetables like blueberries or carrots. These can offer similar health benefits without the high sugar content. Simple!


Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients, including plenty of protein and vitamins to help keep your dog healthy and happy.