Can dogs eat ice cream?


What to consider before giving your dog a scoop of your favourite ice cream – including healthier alternatives

Can dogs eat ice cream?

Quick takeaways about ice cream for dogs

  • Dogs can eat ice cream, but it isn’t good for them.
  • Particular flavours can contain toxic ingredients for dogs like raisins.
  • Ice cream’s high sugar and fat content can lead to health issues.


Anyone who’s seen their dog’s puppy eyes while eating ice cream knows that it’s not just humans who love a cone or two…

And while your dog’s charms may seem irresistible, you might want to think twice before caving in.

Ice cream isn’t toxic to dogs, but it’s not good for them either – and some flavours can be dangerous to give your dog.

Here’s everything you need to consider before giving your dog ice cream, including why it’s not the best treat option and better, healthier substitutes to try instead.


Can dogs eat ice cream?

Dogs can eat ice cream, but not all flavours. Although ice cream isn’t toxic to dogs, certain kinds will have ingredients that are – like chocolate or rum and raisin.


Is ice cream bad for dogs?

A lick or two is probably not going to cause any harm to your pooch. However, ice cream isn’t a healthy treat for several reasons.

The enzymes in dairy can be hard for dogs to digest. Too much can cause gas, bloating, pain, diarrhea and vomiting.

Ice cream is calorific and often packed with sugar, which contributes to dental issues, obesity and diabetes.

Foods that are high in fat like ice cream, can also lead to obesity, and pancreatitis - an inflammation of the pancreas.

Add to that, artificial sweeteners, like xylitol, are commonly used in ice cream, and this ingredient is toxic to dogs.

Ingredients like coffee, chocolate, nuts, alcohol and raisins are dangerous for dogs too. If in doubt, check out our guide to poisonous foods for dogs.


Can dogs eat vanilla ice cream?

Vanilla extract or imitation vanilla is high in alcohol, which is toxic to dogs. However, vanilla ice cream isn’t. It’s still not a good idea to feed it to your dog though.


Does dog-friendly ice cream exist?

Plenty of ice creameries, cafes and shops stock ice cream for dogs now.

Designed to replicate the look and texture of our ice cream, doggy ice cream is low in sugar and fat and made with dog-friendly ingredients like plain unsweetened yoghurt, banana, berries, peanut butter and pumpkin puree.

These are a better treat for your dog and a healthier choice.

Look for a short list of familiar and whole ingredients. They may not be your choice of flavours, but your dog will probably love it!


How much ice cream can a dog have?

A little lick is most likely harmless but avoid larger quantities.


What happens if a dog eats too much ice cream?

Your dog should be ok if they’ve eaten vanilla ice cream or another flavour without toxic ingredients.

If they’ve eaten ice cream with xylitol or other toxins, monitor them at home, looking for signs of discomfort, stomach upset, vomiting or diarrhoea. Call your vet if any of your dog’s symptoms are concerning.


Healthier alternatives to ice cream

There are healthier, dog-safe options you can try instead of ice cream. These include:

  • Frozen banana
  • Frozen berries like blueberries
  • Plain, unsweetened yoghurt
  • Melons including watermelon, honeydew and cantaloupe
  • Apples.

Dogs and ice cream - FAQs

What about vegan ice cream?

Despite being dairy-free, vegan ice cream can still contain ingredients toxic to dogs. They can also be high in fat and sugar and may use nut milk as a base.

Nut milk might contain artificial sweeteners and almonds and walnuts are hard for dogs to digest.


What types of ice cream can dogs eat?

Ice cream made for dogs is the safest option. While a lick or two of flavours made without toxic ingredients should be fine, we don’t recommend feeding your dog ice cream.


Can you make ice cream for dogs?

You could try ‘home-made ice cream’ with dog-friendly ingredients like plain, unsweetened yoghurt, bananas, pumpkin puree and berries.


Can dogs have milk?

Dogs can have milk in small amounts. Some dogs can’t digest lactose which can cause digestive issues, and milk’s high sugar and fat content can lead to obesity and pancreatitis. So best avoided!

Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients – including fresh fruits and vegetables – to help keep your dog healthy and happy.