Can dogs eat olives?


Find out whether dogs can eat olives and what kinds of olives are unsuitable or unsafe

Can dogs eat olives?

Quick takeaways about dogs and olives

  • Dogs can eat both black and green olives in moderation.
  • Remove pits and avoid olives prepared with garlic or in brine.
  • Olive oil can be beneficial for dogs, but only when you use it sparingly.


Yes, dogs can eat olives – but only in moderation. They’re a great snack for humans and high-quality olive oil is especially good for our health. Although olives might have benefits for dogs, their needs are slightly different to ours.


Should dogs eat olives?

Yes, dogs can eat olives, but there are some caveats. Olives, both black and green, are non-toxic to dogs if they’re plain and unsalted.

Yes, dogs can eat olives, but there are some caveats. Olives, both black and green, are non-toxic to dogs if they’re plain and unsalted. However, their high salt content when preserved in brine can be harmful, so it's important to opt for plain, unsalted varieties.


Are olives good for dogs?

While not harmful, olives don't offer substantial nutritional benefits to dogs. They’re low in calories but high in sodium, especially if you don’t rinse them properly. So, they should only be given occasionally as a small treat.


Black or green olives – is there a difference for dogs?

There's no significant nutritional difference between black and green olives that affects dogs. Both are safe as long as they’re served plain and pitted.

Pits can pose a choking hazard and lead to digestive obstructions.


Is olive oil good for dogs?

Olive oil is safe for dogs and can be beneficial for their coat and skin health, thanks to its high levels of monounsaturated fats.

However, if your dog is eating a balanced healthy diet, there’s no need to add olive oil to their bowl. Olive oil is also very high in fat so it’s not a good idea for overweight dogs or dogs prone to weight gain.


How can I introduce olives to my dog?

Choose unsalted and unflavoured varieties. Avoid olives flavoured with garlic, onions, or additional seasonings, which can be toxic to dogs.

Then, rinse them thoroughly, especially if they’ve been stored in brine, as this will help to reduce their sodium content. And only give olives as an occasional treat if you really want to.


Dogs and olives FAQS

Can dogs have olives from the tree?

Eating fresh olives directly from the tree isn’t recommended for dogs. These olives are very bitter and might cause a stomach upset.


What about tinned olives?

Tinned olives are often preserved in solutions that are high in sodium or other additives that can be harmful to dogs. If you do offer tinned olives, choose those canned in water with no added salt or other ingredients, and rinse them well.


Can dogs eat olives with garlic or other seasonings?

No, avoid giving your dog olives that have been prepared with garlic, onions, or other potentially toxic additives. Stick to plain, simple olives for a safe, occasional snack.


How many olives can dogs eat?

Considering the high fat and sodium levels in olives, they should be given sparingly. Limit your dog to one or two olives at a time, and not every day, to avoid any digestive upset or health issues from excessive salt and fat intake.


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