Is coconut oil good for dogs?


We’re obsessed with it as humans, and it’s credited with a range of health benefits – find out if coconut oil is good for dogs

Is coconut oil good for dogs?

Quick takeaways about dogs and coconut oil3

  • There isn’t enough evidence to show that feeding your dog coconut oil is beneficial.
  • It could be helpful for dry skin – but most studies are human-related.
  • If you’re trying coconut oil for a health condition, always consult your vet first.


Coconut oil is hailed as a skin hero and antioxidant for humans. It’s also a versatile ingredient as you can eat it, add it to food and apply it to the skin.

But is it also okay to give coconut oil to dogs? Many experts say that very small amounts shouldn’t be an issue, but we’d recommend using it with caution. Read on to find out why.


What actually is coconut oil?

Coconut oil is made from the pressed meat of coconuts. Virgin, or unrefined, oil is made from fresh coconut while refined oil comes from dried coconut.

All fats, including butter, olive oil, coconut oil, and more, are made up of chains of fatty acids. They’re classified as short (S), medium (M) and long-chain triglycerides (LCTs).

MCTs are broken down relatively quickly by the body and tend to be used as fuel instead of stored as fat, they’re often described as a healthier option than the LCTs that make up most of the fat in common animal products.


What are the health benefits and risks of coconut oil for dogs?

The main problem with using coconut oil for dogs is that researchers have done very few canine studies. Much of the health benefit data comes from human trials and has been repurposed for canine use – so a lot of the evidence we do have is anecdotal.

We do know that coconut oil is not toxic in small doses, but there are some pros and cons to using it.

The good bits:

The not-so-good bits:

  • It’s very high in calories
  • It can cause diarrhea in some dogs
  • It might contribute to pancreatitis and raised cholesterol (because of those high calories).

For most owners, one of the biggest risks is obesity. Coconut oil is high in calories and contains around 86% saturated fat (for comparison, butter contains around 63%).

Just one tablespoon of coconut oil contains around 120 calories, which is a lot for a small pooch!


How much coconut oil should I give to my dog?

There’s no set advice on feeding amounts, so opt for the ‘less is more’ approach – perhaps a teaspoon to a teaspoon and a half depending on the size of your dog. It also depends why you’re feeding coconut oil. Always speak to your vet about skin conditions or other issues you’re worried about and ask for their advice about using coconut oil.

As with any new food, introduce coconut oil very gradually and feed it at the same time as a meal to help reduce the risk of stomach upset. You could also use small amounts in homemade dog treats.


Can you use coconut oil on a dog’s skin?

Coconut oil is a rich moisturiser and has anti-bacterial properties, so it might help with dry, itchy skin and eczema. It won’t help in all circumstances though, so it’s important to understand common skin conditions first.

Ask your vet before trying it for dry skin and if they approve, apply a little to one area of their skin first to see how they react.

If your dog licks the coconut oil off, it’s not toxic, but it’s very greasy so may make a bit of a mess!


Does coconut oil help with constipation?

There are lots of reasons your dog could be constipated and coconut oil might be of some help. There are only very small studies that have linked coconut oil to easier poos. Because it has anti-bacterial properties, it could help with gut health – but the evidence is inconclusive.

Always consult your vet before using coconut oil for constipation, particularly if your pet hasn’t ‘been’ for more than 2 days.


Are coconut oil and apple cider vinegar good for dogs?

Apple cider vinegar can be safe for dogs – look for raw and organic products. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it might help with your pet’s itchy skin or skin allergies, but there’s no concrete evidence. Ask your vet for their advice.


Does coconut oil help to clean dogs’ teeth?

Evidence from a human study carried out in 2022 by the University of Rome suggests that coconut oil can help reduce the risk of gum disease. You could use a very small amount on a toothbrush or your finger and rub it over your dog’s gums to help with dental health. You can read more about dog teeth cleaning here.


Can dogs eat coconut?

Small amounts of fresh or dried coconut aren’t toxic but have the same health risks and benefits as using oil.

Try our personalised meal plans with high-quality raw ingredients to help keep your dog healthy and happy.